Advantages and disadvantages of working at home... 

First of all, I would like to say to you, these are only my ideas. They may be different from each other. During this pandemic situation, we have to stay at the home. We are spending confined lives in the home for 2 years.

I can see some advantages of it. We can do our studies without much expense. Basically, we have to pay only the internet bill. If we go to the university, we have to pay for transport, clothes, extra food, etc. There is another advantage also. Students and lecturers come to the session punctually. So, students can learn well in the relevant time.

As a student of the university, I see a lot of disadvantages also. The time that we are spending now is our golden period. We are not able to get memorable experiences from university life. Even we don't know who the batch-mates are. So, I think, this corona situation is a curse for us. Not only that, but it is not good in terms of our physical fitness also, because we spend a lot of time sitting in front of the computer. Problems of eyes and neck will arise. If we don't maintain our diet, we will have to face a lot of health issues.

So, Let's wish a bright future for all...
