A painful memory...

               I told you previously that my uncle had to face Corona. As a result of that, I also had Corona. I and my uncle had gone together by his car before a week ago. I think that was the reason for getting me Corona.

              Firstly, I would like to explain the symptoms which I got. Firstly, I got sick and cough. But I didn't even think that was Corona. I had also a sore throat on next day. I felt tiredness also. As my mother couldn't look at my illness, she took me to meet a doctor. He gave me some medicine and he told me to get a PCR test. I was very scared by hearing those words, but there's nothing to do. I tested. Unfortunately, it was positive. In fact, I fell down mentally. 

             I used a separate room and stayed there because I had to save my other family members also. I often drank hot water. My mother gave me lemon juice twice a day. I didn't feel the smell and taste of the meals. Similarly, my voice was changed by that virus. That was very awful for me. I cried because I couldn't accept that voice. My Mother prepared healthy meals and ayurvedic teas for me. I also steamed frequently. I had bed rest as possible every time. 

               Especially, I should say you, my family members didn't leave me alone. That was my strength when I fell down. And also, my friends, relations, and neighbours called me and sent me sweets and gifts. I should thank them. I never forget all of them.

                 I experienced the severity of this disease well. So, I get that chance to tell you, Please take care of that disease. Think seriously about that. Stay safe!!! God bless you !!!

