A New Chapter of My Life🤗🥳

       I faced to A/Ls's in 2018. Then I passed the exam with fine colors. As a result of it, I had a chance to enter an university. Among a lot of universities, I chose the University of Visual & Performing Arts because I like to learn music further up. So, it was a new turn in my life.

      Unfortunately, our batch had to face a big issue. It was a legal matter. That period was very sorrowful.😥After two years, the issue was solved. Now, we learn together with happiness.🤗 Under the pandemic situation, we learn via online. Sometimes it is very boring 😥 But, there is nothing to do. We have to complete our studies because we are backward. In fact, It is a challenge for all of us.

      We all are hoping to go to the university physically. Then all problems may vanish and all dreams may come true.🤗🥳☝

